This nationally recognized electronic Registry securely stores individuals' medical advance care planning forms to be accessed by health care professionals for care coordination and respect of individuals’ wishes. The e-Directive Registry allows these forms to be available 24/7 in the event of an emergency The e-Directive Registry is the nation's most comprehensive database of its kind.
1. Opt-In to the Registry
The Registry uses an opt-in system to ensure individuals have autonomy over where their forms are stored and released. If you want to have your forms on the Registry and released to treating health care providers to ensure your wishes for health care are understood and respected, make sure you mark the "Opt-In" box on forms or complete the E-Directive Registry Opt-In form.
The DNR card (the orange card) is automatically opted-in to the Registry, per WV health care law.
2. Submitting Forms to the Registry
You can submit forms to the e-Directive Registry by faxing your forms to 844-616-1415 or mailing a copy of your forms to PO Box 9022, 64 Medical Center Drive, Morgantown, WV 26506. By submitting forms to the e-Directive Registry, you can ensure your forms are available in the event of a health care emergency in order for medical wishes to be translated into patient care.
3. Revoking forms in the Registry
You can remove your forms from the Registry by calling 304-293-0695 or by completing the e-Directive Registry Advance Directive Revocation form and submitting it to our offices.
4. Searching the Registry
You or your legal representative* may request copies of your Registry forms. To receive a copy, complete the form below and submit it with a copy of your federally issued photo ID (for verification). Please note: forms cannot be emailed.
*Legal representative must be named on the individuals' Medical Power of Attorney form, Combined Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will form, or surrogate form, and the form must be on file with the Registry or submitted with the request in order to verify the legality of the requestor's representative status.
Download the Release of Information Request for Individuals