Advance care planning can seem complicated at first! The WV Center for End-of-Life Care is here to help! We have compiled are most commonly asked questions into three categories to help you organize your thoughts:
- General WV Center for End-of-Life Care FAQs
- This list of FAQs shares how the Center can help you and your loved ones with advance care planning.
- The Center also helps health care professionals (clinicians) know how to honor and respect your wishes as part of your treatment plan.
- WV e-Directive Registry FAQs
- This list includes all the information you may want to know about the nation's most comprehensive database of its kind!
- The e-Directive Registry is recognized nationally as a leader.
- Forms and Advance Care Planning FAQs
- Are you ready to document your wishes in advance directives or medical orders? These FAQs can help answer your questions related to that process.
- Your forms can be updated as many times as you want, so start planning today!
Your advance care plan should grow with you through life. The WV Center for End-of-Life Care is here to help you document your wishes, update your forms when your wishes change, make your wishes available 24/7 to your health care clinicians through the WV e-Directive Registry, and answer any of your other questions!
If you have additional questions, please Contact the Center.